Tips to Improve Internal Team Communication

Your internal communications can make or break your business. Team members will work more efficiently and be more productive if there is more fluid, clear communication. A lack of clarity, timing and phrasing could lead to the collapse of your entire operation.

So, what are the steps you can take to improve communication within your team?

Diagnostics for Potential Problems

You should first take a moment and diagnose any potential problems.

Is there anything in your organization that could be attributed to communication inefficiency or any other issues? Are there any measurable metrics that have dropped because of a particular communication issue? If so, you have the opportunity to identify and fix the problem.

You might notice an rise in customer churn. This could indicate that your customer service representatives aren’t clear on their responsibilities or that they’re not handling customer support communications appropriately.

You can resolve the problem by reviewing your SOPs, scripts, team meeting protocols, customer service department internal communications, and other customer services department communications.

Establish Strong Leaders

People are prone to copy the style and approach their leaders whether they’re conscious, subconscious, or a combination of both.

It is important that your company has strong leaders to ensure effective communication. If your leaders communicate consistently in clear and concise ways, it will be a strong example for all your employees.

You have two options.

Effective communicators can be prioritized when you consider promotions or when you hire new leaders. They will be more likely to succeed in a leadership position if they communicate clearly and with focused messaging.

Second, you can offer more education and training for your current leaders. The combination of communication seminars and deliberate practice can make almost anyone a skilled communicator.

You can create multiple communication channels (and use them in a suitable way).

You can make use of several communication channels. Different communication channels can have different strengths, weaknesses, and can all be used in different contexts to better communicate.

Internal communications will be stronger when all the tools are accessible to employees.

Digital Signage

Digital signage software makes it possible to display any visual or text that you wish. Additionally, you can rotate through many different messages on the digital signs. Your screens can serve as reminders, information, updates and advice throughout the office. It is an easy way for everyone to be on the same page at work.


Email communication is one of the most popular forms of workplace communication. It is permanent, instantaneous and written. Email is not the best way to communicate complex ideas or have an ongoing conversation.


Chat platforms are great for quick questions and allowing you to have a receptive dialogue. However, they can also be distracting. Although no one wants to be drawn into chats 24/7, this communication tool can still be very useful when used to its full potential.

Video conferences/calls

For complex conversations and coordination of many people, calls and video conference are great. These conferences can be tedious and time-consuming. If you have too many participants, it is easy to get off track. They should not be used in excess and with care.

Social Media

Social media is an option for internal communications strategies. It can be used well to build stronger relationships between your employees.

For Task and Project Management, create consistent workflows

How do people communicate about high-level and low-level projects?

What template is available to help you describe a project, for example? Who is responsible to communicate details of a project? What information should employees give when they complete a task?

You will quickly find that it is difficult to have clear procedures and processes for managing projects and tasks. Every member of the group will have their own style and approach.

Try to create a consistent process that everyone follows.

Train your new hires

Employees can learn the fundamentals of effective communication by training and being onboarded

Expectations for communication should be established. Consider providing additional training and education to those who are struggling.

Utilize Team-Building Events

Events for team building are a great opportunity to improve communication skills among your employees.

These events often involve employees being given a competitive or collaborative task that requires them communicating with each other to achieve success. This communication technique can be a valuable tool to expose weaknesses and strengths. Most importantly, it allows your employees to build relationships and to get to know each others better.

Make use of visual communication methods more often

While mastering written language can be beneficial, the majority of people prefer visual forms for communication.

Visual communication is quicker, easier to understand and, for the most part more intuitive. Visualizing data in graphs is easier than hearing someone repeat a bunch.

Employing visual communication methods can improve the internal communications of your workplace. Images, diagrams, photos and even body language, can be used to communicate your ideas.

You should look for teaching and coaching opportunities

Some employees might not be great communicators by design. This is perfectly normal.

Anybody can learn to communicate better if they receive the right coaching and practice. You can coach or teach a team member if they are falling behind or having trouble communicating. What are they doing wrong? What steps can they take?

Recognize individual strengths and weaknesses

It is important to remember that communication isn’t a universally accepted standard. Different people communicate in different ways and it’s okay.

An active conversation might require someone who can master the written word to be successful. A fluent and articulate conversationalist may struggle to write coherent emails.

Communication leaders must be able to identify and exploit these unique strengths and weaknesses. You should place people in positions that allow them the best communication skills possible, and then help them to learn how to compensate.

Employers shouldn’t be overwhelmed

It is important to not overload or overwork your employees .

You can find many strategies and tools within this guide to help employees communicate better. But if your employees are bombarded with communication requirements and overloaded with training, they won’t be able to keep up.

Improved internal communication takes time. It’s best to start slowly and be more patient.

Collect feedback

You should consider asking your team leaders and employees for feedback at all levels.

Which areas of satisfaction are they finding with internal communications What kinds of internal communications are most frequently the target of complaints? You can gain a better sense of your company’s internal communications pulse and be more focused in your communication improvement plan.

You should see steady improvements to the efficiency and clarity of your internal communications. Better internal communication is likely to happen when you have a solid foundation. You will embed good communication skills into your company culture. This makes it easy to stay consistent and onboard new employees.

You don’t have to stop looking at your internal communications, but you can still take a moment to celebrate your victory.